An expressive wayfinding experience for a respected iGO.

We were approached to create a respectful event environment for a client that helps world populations in need. While we could have gone a safer, more conservative route, we felt those populations should be represented in our concept. Throughout these experiences and around those beacons, we wove imagery and stories into certain moments. Areas where one may pause, take a break, we gave an opportunity to introduce a population, or family, or individual.

The potential needs of an attendee should be considered at all times.
An awareness of the shortcomings of a space, or what could be added to increase functionality, should also be considered when possible. Something as simple as an exterior lounge placed right at the entrance to the main presentation theater. Or a series of semi-private conversational nooks to give attendees a moment of quiet along a pedestrian avenue.
An awareness of the shortcomings of a space, or what could be added to increase functionality, should also be considered when possible. Something as simple as an exterior lounge placed right at the entrance to the main presentation theater. Or a series of semi-private conversational nooks to give attendees a moment of quiet along a pedestrian avenue.

Our team also molded an essential experience at every event: checking in and receiving one's badge, along with any other information and giveaways. We arrived at a tented lounge for the queue, and a series of canted stations for check-in.
Schedules and collateral are located at the rear of the room, to meet the attendees as they exit.
Schedules and collateral are located at the rear of the room, to meet the attendees as they exit.

Project Team
Matt Lancaster, Kevin McGrevey, Suzanne Murphy, Erik Ross, Duane Rule